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Tom Sine & the New Changemakers

If you are longing for new imagination around what it means to be a follower of Jesus in your neighborhood…

Or find yourself at a career crossroads…

Or are in need of some refreshing hope because of all the pain and Panama papers in the world…

Then you’ve got to listen to this conversation!

Yesterday I had the incredible opportunity to have a conversation with author, futurist, and consultant, Tom Sine on the RePLACING CHURCH Podcast (You can check it out on Podbean here or iTunes here). We explored themes from Tom’s forthcoming book, Live Like You Give a Damn: Join the Changemaking Celebration, and covered a lot of ground in our conversation – Tom’s come-to-Jesus moments, turning 80, stories of how churches are engaging their neighborhoods, ageism, creative housing alternatives, Babette’s feast, contextual forecasting, and viewing following Jesus as a design opportunity.

Tom shared so many meaningful insights, including:

“At the core of my understanding of what it means to be a follower [of Jesus] in a world like this is understanding that Jesus is a part of a radical new empire of the mustard seed. It comes on a donkey’s back, it comes with tubs and basins and to wash feet. It does not dominate; it doesn’t control. The good life of God is not found in seeking life. It’s found in losing life in service to God and others.”


“The idea of biblically redefining ‘what is the good life?’ is the first step in discovering all of life as a design opportunity, and it’s out of that that we can design new forms of hospitality, new forms of housing, new forms of interior design, new ways to raise kids for servanthood instead of economic success, new ways to party, and new ways to give life to what we claim so strongly in our theology is most important to us.”


Next ArticleEpisode 1: Slacktivism, Suffering & Stones