_Aurora033In this episode, I discuss the second of the Five Signs of the Parish Movement, “Inhabiting Our Place,” by talking about the President of China, the former “Pearl Button Capital of the World,” and stories from Genesis and Jeremiah.

Parish church expressions are emerging in neighborhoods everywhere. Whatever they are called – neighborhood church plants, missional communities, neomonastic communities, faith-based social enterprises – these diverse expressions seem to exhibit five common signs as they join God’s renewal in their particular places. In this five part series, I explore the Five Signs of the Parish Movement:

  • Centering on Christ
  • Inhabiting the Parish
  • Gathering to Remember
  • Collaborating for God’s Renewal
  • Linking Across Parishes

Inhabiting Our Parish: Rooting our lives in our neighborhood, we seek to join God’s renewal in, with, and for our place. Rather than trying to be all things to all people, we are learning to accept our limitations as a gift from God, live with intentionality, be known by our actual neighbors and tangibly love those around us. We seek to participate in God’s renewal by listening to, serving, and caring for the land and the people where we live, work and play.

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